Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What's going on

Frankly Eli never had such a long and rapidly moving set of comments, complete with alpha level trolling. That, and the fact that he was working all day in the lab let things get out of hand (don't you guys EVER sleep??). In the end it was decided to move the posts with only name calling into the Rabett Hole, and create a Negative Interest Rate Hole, leaving the discussion of ecology and biodiversity in the FUND model in the Richard Tol post comments, although that too got pretty rough. Apologies.


  1. Hey Eli, where can I find those crazy wild comments about negative time preferences. Where's the hole for that one as a link as I can't seem to find it.

  2. I have saved the contents of Discount Rates Hole, and I can give it back if requested.

  3. It's back. Eli had to reformat a whole bunch of holes. . .:)

  4. Dear Mr. Dr. Professor Rabbit,

    I am pleased to hear about the various new holes and things of that sort that you have been involved with. And my ears always perk up when I hear of discounts. For example we got a portable hole from ACME for under $100 last year in their annual clearance sale. It doesn't work, but it was cheap and you can't have everything.

    Anyway, to the point. Being as we are fellow wildlife, roughly speaking, I thought you would be interested in some good news on the labor relations front involving our cousins, the ground squirrels. We are, as Red Green says, "all in this together" after all, even though that togetherness may sometimes manifest itself as predator and prey.,18838/


  5. John Mashey20/1/11 11:04 AM

    Holes, the movie.
    Oops, been done (2003).

  6. It's back where Eli? I'm sorry but if it's in-joke I'm not in the in-crowd so can you elaborate. If you deleted the stuff well and good, but is that what you did.

  7. Here are the Holes:

    Yes, I am... ;)

  8. Wholly holey
    Is Rabett as goalie.
    He lets in the riff
    And even the raff
    And comes round at game's end
    To fix up his gaffe.

  9. Eli is the bunny driving the Zambone


Dear Anonymous,

UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

You can stretch the comment box for more space

The management.