Sunday, July 04, 2010

Some have asked about

Eli and the bunnies opinion of characters such as Tom Fuller



  1. Better quality vid:

  2. Beautiful...

  3. That is hilarious Eli. Good one.


  4. Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer
    And without sneering, teach the rest to sneer
    Willing to wound, and yet afraid to strike
    Just hint a fault, and hesitate dislike
    Alike reserv'd to blame, or to commend
    A tim'rous foe, and a suspicious friend

  5. Gee Rabett, who asked? I'm curious. You're still innumerate.

  6. DAmmmmmmit. Rabett, I apologise. You are incorrect in attributing the bulk of the U.S. CO2 emission reductions to the recession. About one-third of it was.

    More importantly you are 100% wrong about the political impact of this, in the fact that you are not trumpeting this from every rooftop.

    Dammmmmit. Why did Obama win? Because people believed that Yes We Can. By telling Americans that in his first year in office the country reduced CO2 emissions by 7%, and challenging us to do it again in a growing economy, it would be a picture perfect message that would resonate.

    Instead you hide it like a guilty secret, attribute it to the recession--dammmmit, it was two-thirds due to hard work and heavy investment in converting coal to natural gas and putting geothermal, concentrated solar power and cogeneration plants online. It was due to good fortune in the falling price of natural gas, and the decision by hundreds of thousands of Americans to buy rooftop solar panels, ground source heat pumps and hybrid cars.

    Are you guys completely tone-deaf? Just because Al Gore is an idiot, does that mean you are forced to be by default? This is the biggest opportunity you have had in five years and you're kicking it out the door as if it's covered in horse manure. You all are at risk of giving stupid a bad name.

    You can't get the numbers right. You can't get the messaging right. You can't get a decent look at the picture. Tone-deaf, blind, and arrogant. What a lovely combination.

  7. Not much of an apology, I guess. I have nothing against you personally, Rabett. For what it's worth.

  8. Horatio did a drive by inspection earlier today and could have sworn he saw two names posted on the door to Eli's burrow.

    Please don't tell us Sir Robin has gotten to you too, Eli.

  9. Yeah, well sometimes even Eli has second thoughts

  10. Instead you hide it like a guilty secret, attribute it to the recession--dammmmit, it was two-thirds due to hard work and heavy investment in converting coal to natural gas and putting geothermal, concentrated solar power and cogeneration plants online.

    Who 'you'?

    The policy bloggers are Pielke Jr and Romm. Both accept guest posts. Maybe you should write something up.

  11. a_ray_in_dilbert_space5/7/10 7:20 AM

    Drive-by drunk posting, Tom? Or are you just working on your Glenn Beck imitation?

  12. Well, it's all here in a nutshell, innit?

  13. Fred Pearce has declared himself to be a journalistic hero:

    Climategate has changed us for the better, say scientists

    Judith Curry and Roger Pielke, Jr. agree!

  14. "In a nutshell..."

    If you are referring to the your preceeding attribution comment, I scanned through the link on Bart's blog (DOE? EIA?) a couple of times but, besides a poorly formatted graph, I couldn't tease out a 1/3 recession attribution. While I was somewhat short in my "write it up" post, I am serious. It's going to get more play at Romm (or even WUWT) and more attention at Pielke Jr as a formal post than it will as a blog comment squabble. It's going to get more attention from the 'consensus' side of the house if you can do so without including a paragraph on how "scientists are suppressing this message so that they can continue on their goal of global domination." It will get more play from the Pajama Media crowd if you leave that in. ;D

  15. Ray nails it, I think. There are some who just aren't cut out for all those lonely hours in front of a monitor.

  16. So you're into cleaning comments, eh?

  17. See

    Something is happening with comments on blogger.


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