Wednesday, March 31, 2010

McLean whinges

John McLean is doing the usual on the Drum, moaning about how mean Stephan Lewandowsky was to him. The bunnies might like to take a bite.

And, oh yes, he is still moaning that James posted a formatted copy of the rebuttal

Go comment over there:)


  1. Former Skeptic31/3/10 10:28 PM

    OMG. I've heard full-throttle jet engines on 747's that whine less than McLean.

    And I thought RPJr. was the king of whiners. Sorry, Roger, but at least you're a prince.

  2. Climate noise seems to be everywhere you look these days.

    Horatio showed the noise on a graph a while back, but obviously overlooked an important type: McCleanoise -- related to Lindzenoise, Motlynoise and (much) Baliunoise, but as yet less prevalent (but give it time)

    Horatio has remedied his oversight here to more accurately reflect the current state of knowledge.

  3. Eli,

    I believe a friend of yours left a dropping for you at Dot Earth. He's from Fairbanks.

  4. My take on the scene over there -- there are already quite a few folks taking turns doing the equivalent of tripping up a runner at the Special Olympics.

    And the evil rabett wants more people to pile on. If I had any sympathy for McLean, I'd berate the evil rabett for lack of sportsmanship. But I don't, so I won't!

  5. McLean is showing himself to be foolish as well as incompetent. Some people are such a glutton for punishment. Where are Carter and de Freitas in all this? They seem to be wisely hiding, maybe keeping quiet until they can gather a sympathetic audience through SPPI.

    Easier to get applause from the anti-science brigade than take on scientists.

  6. Mark:

    I'm from Fairbanks - Kramm is from Latveria, I think - where Dr. Doom runs things. Is it not cross enough to bear that Fairbanks was where the non-Divine Sarah kicked off her VP campaign?

    There are a couple of hardcore denialists there - one's an emeritus, thank God - but actually the UAF is a great science uni. And most of the researchers there are excellent.

    Kramm has Motl's Syndrome - his ideological weirdness has interfered with his grasp of science in a big way.

    I think it should actually be called Motl's Syndrome - Lubos would be pleased, so would we.

  7. McLean is a straight-up politicized fake scientist, so what's to say?

    His message is pretty simple: If you still keep a copy of Atlas Shrugged under your pillow, you'll believe ME and not the Evil Ones.

    His feat of finding no trend in detrended munged data is on a par with John Ashcroft's triumph in finding 12 hookers in New Orleans.

  8. McLean says "If the SOI accounts for short-term variation then logically it also accounts for long-term variation."

    Beautiful, really you couldn't make it up. (Well, McLean & his ilk can evidently)


  9. @anonySpilopsylla:
    I really liked one of the commenters giving the example of diurnal variation versus the seasons. Apparently, McLeanian logic tells us that the rotation of the earth also explains the seasons, considering how well it correlates with the short-term (diurnal) variation...

  10. I love the smell of Epic Fail in the morning.

  11. Gosh, that discussion is a beautiful April Fool's Day gift.

    Is McLean some sort of performance artist? I mean,

    "The Great Pacific Climate Shift occurred in April 1976, give or take a month, and since that time the El Nino side of the SOI scale has dominated. I've identified a possible cause but it can be described in less than half a page, so making it into a proper scientific paper isn't easy." (my emphasis).

    He can't possibly write that with a straight face can he?

  12. McLean says "If the SOI accounts for short-term variation then logically it also accounts for long-term variation."

    WTF? Wow, OK, now I have to go read that thread! Damn, I have a lot of work to do. My clients must suffer in the name of morning entertainment, however...

  13. "I've identified a possible cause but it can be described in less than half a page, so making it into a proper scientific paper isn't easy"

    Or, "I have discovered a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition that this margin is too narrow^^^^^^broad to contain."


  14. McLean says"If the SOI accounts for short-term variation then logically it also accounts for long-term variation."

    As Watson once said to Holmes: "Your logic is unpackable"

    But, on a more serious note: is McClean's statement another version of this?

    "If the Emeritus status accounts for short-term memory loss, then logically it also accounts for long-term memory loss" [said the Emeritus professor]

  15. oh no i think I saw a Graeme Bird there

  16. Motl's Syndrome it is, from this moment forward...

  17. Sorry, couldn't face wading through the turds at the Drum:

    Did anyone see if McLean said where and and in what field he is a PhD candidate?

    And who is supervising? Surely not Carter or McLean?

    Doug Mackie


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