Friday, October 30, 2009

Advanced Head Banger (second semester work)

Eli is assigning this to his class

Via LGM and pharyngula


  1. carrot eater30/10/09 5:58 PM

    My head exploded several times, trying to watch that. I'm sending you the doctor's bill.

  2. Has the Rabett gone over the edge (maybe like in Wallace & Gromit & Curse of the Were-Rabett?))

    Can young brains really stand this stuff?

  3. ouch.

    I did like the analogy of homeopathy and bombs.

  4. I feel like Stoat-- oh dear, oh dear, oh dear ...

    who knew e=c \= disease

    No wonder we're facing so much opposition to the concept and evidence of AGW.

  5. I resent this video. We are just not that dumb here in Bozeman. This is a horrible mischaracterization.

    Word verification: soilie

  6. Thanks Eli

    I did learn a couple of things I did not know:

    1) that our ears can hear vibrating strings (I know he's not really an experimentalist, but maybe someone should tell Lubos cuz he must have friends who are. or perhaps Lubos already knows this)

    2) that all the mass [sic] in the universe would fit in a bowling ball so you can cross it out in E=MC^2 and all you have left is the speed of light (squared of course).

    Nothing wrong with the American education system that i can see...


Dear Anonymous,

UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

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The management.