Thursday, October 25, 2007

New climate book

Ray Pierrehumbert is writing a book on the physics of climate. Chapters and a computer based workbook is available


  1. That's a "First" course in climate physics?


  2. Well, usually you have first had the calculus, general chemistry and a few physics courses:). That or you stayed overnight at Climate Audit Express.

  3. And please don't tell me that string theory is a prerequisite for understanding Pierrehumbert's book on climate!

  4. If "Climate science" were like "String science", we would not need to worry about a warming earth because we would never be able to determine that it is indeed warming.

    This does make me wonder, however: When is Motl coming out with his "First course in String Theory"?

    God knows, we have all been waiting with baited breath.

    Whatever else is true. I am quite certain it will be a "weighty" tome:

    How many pages do you suppose are required at a minimum to describe 10^500 different possible universes?

  5. "please don't tell me that string theory is a prerequisite for understanding Pierrehumbert's book on climate!"

    String theory is not a prerequisite for understanding anything -- at least not about the real world.


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