Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Non Sequitur by way of Lotharsson

Over at Deltoid, in the comments, Lotharsson points to Wiley Miller's evaluation of Post Normal Science

Wiley has a couple of others


  1. Q:
    What do believers in post-normal climate science study ?

    How the theocline incluences the prelapsarian rate.

  2. Lotharsson9/8/12 1:52 AM

    Woah, wasn't expecting to see my handle in a post at Eli's place! (Double "s" though, please :-)

  3. Haven't Calvin and Hobbes changed?

    Didn't notice the name intervention there at first. Snicker.

  4. The climate debate is between "Post Normal Science" and "Normal Post Science"

    And never the twain shall meet.


  5. Haven't Calvin and Hobbes changed? Didn't notice the name intervention there at first. Snicker.


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UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

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The management.